Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ending on a high note

Last night was the first time in a while that I stayed at the gym for a full hour and did a complete workout. Cardio and all. My schedule has just been so busy lately. Plus, the added bonus that I am still sleep deprived and lacking some serious energy.

I got to the gym, learned that Wednesday is by far the busiest day there, and had to search high and low for a locker. Finally, a girl standing on the other side from me said, "There's one here." I rushed over there and thanked her. It always shocks me when someone does something nice for complete strangers.

Moving on. I changed, grabbed my stuff, refilled my water bottle and hopped on the first treadmill I came to. Following warm up, the aerobic room was jam packed, but I found a floor matt and went for it. Unfortunately all the 12 pound medicine balls were taken, so I was forced to grab the 15 lb. medicine ball. I was actually impressed with myself, and I will probably continue to use it in the future.

Then I did a portion of the workout that my trainer and I had done together last Friday. I hurt, but not nearly as bad as I had that day. Then I jumped on the elliptical for 30 minutes with the cross ramp at its max. All my old favs came on pandora. The best part, my favorite song came on as I was running my last two minutes. Great night, if I say so myself. Although, it did nothing for the fact that I am still beat from this weekend.

For this upcoming weekend, my top priority is sleep.


  1. then you should totally be at my house with the love seat and blanket. You will get all the sleep you need!

  2. No kidding. I really do think that is the only place that I can completely pass out and stay out, that is until you and Panya start making fun of me.

  3. We'll leave you alone- I promise! :)
