Monday, April 19, 2010

My phone has never rung so much

Today was my birthday. That's right people, I am officially 25! Never thought the day would come. And how did I spend it, driving to Milledgeville and back for work and ending at the gym. I did treat myself to sushi though. Yum!

On my way down to Milledgeville, I was having all sorts of memories flood my mind. For one second, I felt like I was 20 again and I was driving home after visiting my boyfriend in Atlanta.

Then I saw it. The beacon. Whenever I was driving back to Milledgeville there was one thing that would stick out and I would see it before anything else, and I would know that I was home.

Its difficult to see in this picture, but it is the highest tower at the Georgia Power plant. It is the tallest structure south of Atlanta and in this picture, I am about 15 miles away from it. Awesome I know.

Once I got into town, I started thinking about all the good ole times, like the midnight runs to Taco Bell because Billy and Mike were in no state to drive. Or how about that time we all first met Ben L. at Chili's when it first opened. That was the same night that Virlyn and I called it quits.

Then I went over the tracks and there I saw the Goodie Gallery. My old landlord and my sister's favorite bakery. My friend owns it now, how cool is that?

Then, I saw it, just a half mile down the road. The house where my first apartment was. It has been fixed up since then, but this house use to be the laughing stock of the town. There use to be this sign up on the roof that said "Pardon the appearance, but the Historic Society has prevented the much needed improvements to this house." Whenever I would give people directions to my apartment, I would just say that I lived in the house with the sign and they knew exactly where I was.

I had some great times in that studio apartment. My closet was in the kitchen and my stove was tiny, but I still had friends come over every Tuesday for dinner. We would watch movies, play games, what have you.

I met so many interesting people there, most notably, Irina. She will have a special place in my memory. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Eh.

My final stop. When I pulled into the parking lot of the courthouse, which was my destination, I had to take this pic.

This was the first view I had of Georgia College when I first moved there. I parked in that lot on my first day while moving in. Its hard to believe that was seven years ago. Seven years ago I stepped out on my own and went off to the world of college. It is amazing how fast time flies.

Well, thanks for coming on that drive with me. I hope that you enjoyed it. The good news is that memory lane is always open.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I'm glad you to take a look back at your past and see how far you've come! I'm very proud of you on your 25th birthday and everyday!

  2. Shucks, you're sweet. I am proud of you too!!!
