Thursday, April 1, 2010

I gots a boo boo!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day. I was very fortunate in that I got out of class earlier last night. So what did I decide to do with that time? I went riding of course.

My new favorite past time is riding my bike around the neighborhood. It is so peaceful and soothing to me. I like watching people walking their dogs, or their kids. Each time I pass someone, there is an understood nod that we each give.

This is one thing that I am going to miss about living in a neighborhood. I won't be able to do this in an apartment complex, that is for sure.

I was about to make another round when it all went down hill. I was peddling uphill and my foot slipped on the peddle and hit the gear and chain and who knows what else. I can out lucky though. I have three blood blisters (ewww) and a scrape and a sore leg. It could have been a lot worse. Needless to say, I walked up the rest of the hill back home, limping.

I know that I gave you a hard time last night, but thank you Stefan for making me feel better. You have been very supportive these last couple of weeks in all regards. Even in spite of the fact that for the last couple of years I have been a bad friend. Forgive me? How could you not right? Anyway, thanks for your sympathies last night. I appreciated them.

The rest of the night I went into my keepsake box and was looking at old graduation cards and found a birthday card from my Sarahs when I turned 21. It made me giggle. I can't wait to spend my 25th with them. I already know that it is going to be a blast. Whenever has hanging out with them not been, right?


  1. You can too ride your bike at the apartment! Plus there are several nice neighborhoods just a little ways down Jennings Mill!

  2. Then you will just have to show me when we are neighbors.
