Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Differences of Opinion

While Adam was here, I showed him the loft that I will be moving to soon. He said that they were interesting, but not his thing. "Well, it doesn't matter if its not your thing, is completely my thing." "You're right about that. I just need walls, I can't do that whole open space thing."

Geez. I also took Frannie over there when she came in on Sunday. She loved it and made it a point to tell me not to try and swim nor venture in the river. As accident prone as I am, and no matter how good a swimmer I am, that river will be the death of me, apparently.

I think that I will be just fine, but I know that the second anything happens to me while out there, she will be the first to say, "Told you so."

She did volunteer herself or Panya though for the move. I can't have both because one has to stay home with the kids, but I thought that was a lovely gesture. I will probably take Panya's assistance because I don't want to break Frannie's little body with my heavy crap. Perhaps she can come up afterwards and help me decorate.

As far as other volunteers, I have Jacki with her truck and possibly her husband, Britt (that is if she is done preparing for her party) and possibly Sarah N., Sarah S. and Ben L.

Who else would like to partake? There may be some pizza and beer in it for you (beer for afterwards of course.)


  1. I am NOT trying to be mean- I just want you to be safe. K? And I wouldn't say "told you so"... well, I might, but my main concern would be you. Those were very fast rapids!!

  2. I know that you aren't trying to be mean dear, and you are probably right that I would get hurt, but it would be fun in the process. Couldn't you just see me flying down that river in a boat, or if I couldn't afford one, my inflatable mattress. Yes! Let's do it.

  3. Oh, I could see it alright! That's the problem-- the image in my head!
