Friday, July 9, 2010

The Unthinkable

I had been saying for, well since it happened really, that I would never hear what I wanted to hear. The simple phrase, "I'm sorry."

To my surprise, I got it. Come Tuesday I got a knock at the door. He sat down, as did I, and he apologized for everything. He said that he had come to realize what a complete asshole he had been and that I was completely undeserving of it. Furthermore, he stated that his apology was long overdue. Damn right skippy.

A while back, I had already let go of most my anger and had moved on from the entire situation. Honestly, it wasn't worth staying angry. All I was doing was holding myself back. I was tired of it, so I stopped.

Whatever anger had stayed or lingered without my realizing, surely must be gone now. How can you stay angry at someone who admits that they were wrong? You can't. Perhaps I am more of a forgiving person than I should be, and I have been told that in the past, but so be it. That's just how I am.

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