Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I might be killing myself...

Yesterday was quite a day. I had work, class, personal training, spin class, two projects due today and tomorrow, and I was going to cut the grass too. Well, I think that I might be over doing it a little. This quarter has been pretty difficult, but there is only one month and a couple of days left. Thank goodness.

I haven't been sleeping very well either. Last night I was absolutely dog tired, almost about to faint, all I could get myself to eat was two pieces of cheese and a small drink box of milk. I lied there for almost an hour before getting up and taking a shower, taking the trash out for pickup and then I was off to bed. Even then, I was tired and I knew it, but I could not go to sleep.

Is it possible to exhaust yourself past recuperation? Where your body is so worn out that it can't even sleep and really doesn't want to. Lately, ever morning has been a struggle to get up and get going.

I am in serious need a vacation. Luckily, I am planning one soon with a friend and her husband to enter the fantastic world of Harry Potter. I just need to find someone to go with me so that I am not the third wheel, so to speak. Any takers?

I am also planning on taking a few days off for when I move so that it won't be as stressful. This is the first time that I have had to move in two years. Its kind of scary to think about it. Although that house that I have lived in now serves as a prison of bad memories, there were some good times there too. I have grown quite attached to it, and I am going to be sad to leave there (but I will not miss the landlady, adios crazy!).

It is also going to be difficult transitioning from a house to a one bedroom apartment. I am looking at the bright side though. No more yard to cut, less space to keep clean, and finally freedom. Freedom from all the bad memories. I will only take positive thoughts with me and leave all else behind.


  1. rest! When you have kids, you won't be able to! So rest now! I hope I didn't make you too tired Monday night!

  2. Nope, it just the distraction I needed actually. I am ready for another soon too!


  4. Let's go! I'm ready, I'm ready, I AM READY!
