Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Summer of Mere!

I was talking to my brother today about random things, and during the course of the conversation, he dubbed this summer as mine. He said to get back to myself and do only what I want. We both also might have made references to Seinfeld. (You can't help it, you just can't).

Also, today on my way to the courthouse for a little filing, I ran into an old familiar face. It was my very first boss when I moved here. The first person to hire me after college. He use to call me young (last name). Mainly because he went to law school with my sister. His wife was also pretty good friends with her. So, it was really a term of endearment.

Ahh, memories of the days when I worked in that tiny little house converted into an office. He use to tell me that I needed to work on my headings and learn a little feng shui. He is the one who made me into a pleading nazi, I tell you what.

I talked to him briefly about life and all its quirks. He asked me about Matt, and I told him what had happened and what my new plans were. He was very encouraging and said that he would help any way that he could. I told him what one of my friends had say and the lengthily warning they supplied and he said what I had figured was the case. Some people are cut out for it, and some simply are not.

Then I headed off for personal training. I take back all that I had said before. I was with the woman for 30 minutes and I have never hurt as much as this before. Originally, I was going to spin class after, but my face was bright (even that doesn't cover it) red. I looked like I stuck my head in a giant pot of boiling water.

The funny thing was that the spin instructor was using one of the machines that I needed for training and my trainer tried to give him the boot.

Haha. It was pretty funny, but I did feel bad that he was rushed.

Oh well, that's why I pay the big bucks right?

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