Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eh, what was that?

This week I went shopping once again at my favorite (yet expensive) grocery store. I was wondering up and down the aisles, had a good convo with the guy behind the meat counter and got everything that I need, except for one single item that just so happens to be the essential ingredient as it was not currently in stock. My inner monologue sounded something like a broken or scratched record. "What do you mean you don't have it?"

So, yesterday I called every Asian food market in town to find this tiny little inexpensive yet elusive item. Bingo! And off to Baxter Street I was during my lunch break. It wasn't until I got home last night after some more shopping for the party that I realized I left it in the fridge at work. "Well, crap."

At least I am not making it until tonight though. I just need to tie a mental ribbon around my finger as to not forget again.

I have noticed a lot more lately that my mind is just forgetting things like crazy. Monday, I forgot my coat and pumped gas in 30 degree weather at 7 a.m. The other night I forgot to advance the laundry, so last night I went in there and noticed that it had gotten sour and I had to wash it again. Ugh!

Oh well, time to start investing in ginkgo I guess.

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