Monday, May 3, 2010

What a weekend...

This weekend was so jam packed with activities that I am still recovering from it.

First, I went with Mel to celebrate her getting a new job. We got our toes done and then we met up with Sarah S. for sushi. While there she made a discovery. Basically we are there just about every Friday. My response was, "So, sushi at reasonable prices every Friday." What was the down side to that argument Sarah, I mean really.

Saturday morning I spent trying to rearrange my bedroom. I completely took my bed apart, moved it to the over side of my room, all to find out that my bed to so freaking huge that there is no where else to put it than where it was to begin with. Well crap. I then put my bed back together and put it right back where it was. Well, got my exercise in for today.

Then it was off to run errands and await Sarah N.'s arrival to town. That's right, Sarah is coming to town. She got here a lot sooner than I had expected. Why is it that whenever I drive, traffic is inevitable, but not so for my friends? Maybe the road is trying to tell me something.
Once we were ready to head out, we were on our way to Tanger Outlet. Woohooo, finally new clothes that will actually fit. She is the best to shop with. I don't know how she does it, but she has the ability to find stuff that other's cannot. (Or people like me who walked the store for thirty minutes looking for a top that she can find in two). She is also good at helping me stay within my budget, which she did. Fantastically at that too.

It was really great to have her there. Usually when I go shopping, I never pick out things that are out of my comfort zone, and therefore I never find anything special. I usually come home feeling defeated. Not with Sarah. It was great to have an opinion other than my own as well.

The overall experience was great and I have never felt better about my appearance now that I have pants that don't require constant adjustments.
Later that night it was off to a night of downtown frolicking. Our first stop after dinner was one of my "usuals" and what did we end up doing? Breaking about three glasses, that's what. We thought that it would be a great idea to stack the glasses like the bar tenders do to "help" them in clearing the table. I started it (I will admit to it), then Mel added some, Sarah S. and Sarah N. did too, and before you know it, it was seven glasses high. Emmm, this might not have been such a great idea after all. I got up from the table without issue, as did Sarah N. But when Sarah S. got to stand up, crash, splash and bang. I got the glasses that were broken and took them over to the bar while one guy rushed over with a washcloth. I think his words were something like "y'all are a lawsuit waiting to happen," or something to that nature. Sorry mister, we are girls, physics aren't our speciality.

Then it was off to the next two bars. Oh what fun! We met some guys (married of course) who were there for a bachelor party. They showed us pics of their kids on their cellphones and they bought his a round. Can't really complain.

Final stop of the night, dancing of course. I was wearing new shoes that I wasn't exact accustomed to just yet. While dancing with some friends of ours that had shown up (we also hadn't seen them in about four years) one of them dropped me on the floor, and I fell twice on my own. Dang it Loft, clean your floors better so that when klutz women like me fall, it won't be as gross. (My butt still hurts)

When we got home (Sarah S. was our DD and I am very impressed with how she handled my car), I hit the floor. I was so tired, my butt and feet hurt and what did Sarah N. do? Tempted me with cake. Evil woman. It was so gooooood though. It was left over tiramasu cake that Sarah S. and I had the night before. Yum!

What a great night. I was strange though. I ran into everyone that I hadn't seen in forever. The infamous Jordan and Justin that I met on my 21st bday. I met their sister later on when I first met my ex. (Small world, huh?) And then, as we were leaving the Loft, who should I see. My old Italian ex boyfriend from when I first moved here. Ewwwww. He looked exactly the same. Dude, grow up already!

All in all, it was a terrific night spent with my favorite ladies. Sarah N., Sarah S., and Mel, I have you to thank. Luvage.

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