Monday, January 24, 2011

Long Week Ahead

Although it is Monday, my week started on Saturday. Due to having to take bereavement leave for most of Thursday and all day Friday, I was unable to complete most of my assignments at work. Therefore, to make up for lost time, I came in on the weekend.

Its amazing at how much you can get accomplished in just a few hours when the phone isn't ringing constantly. I was glad that I was able to make up some of that time and to complete my paperwork for our insurance renewal, however today was extremely difficult to get up and running.

I set the coffee pot up the night before, when my alarm went off this morning, I knew that this was not going to be easy. I slammed the snooze button and went back to sleep. Eventually, I managed to get up, walk downstairs, get a cup of coffee, and trek back up to my room. Each step I took was a definite sign that I needed more sleep. My stomach was curling and turning like never before. Finally, thirty minutes later, I was able to get up and drink my coffee, pack my gym bag, eat breakfast and get on with the day.

However, my stomach is still bothering me. Its like an empty stomach feeling, but at the same time, I'm not hungry. Does that make any sense?

Hopefully tonight's training will not be too hard on me. I am still worn out from yesterday's spin class. They have brought in new lights and one is bright red (like a tanning light almost) and it was gleaming on me the entire time as I sit close to the back wall. It was like I was in Tahiti but without a pina colada. I don't know which made me sweat more, the exercise or that damn lamp.

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