Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Induced Apocalypse= Celery Crisis

Last night Sarah S. showed up to my house in prep for our shopping trip for dinner and later a night on the town. She immediately began telling me how worried she was about the impending doom destined for this town. Apparently, if the roads become icy and the new shift can't make it in, guess who's working a double?

After reassuring her that its was the mountains which were expected to receive the inches of snow and not our fair town as her father previously told her (and I might have promised to come and save her if need be), we headed off to the store.

Aisle by aisle we collected the items that we needed for the dinner, plus a few personal things. The place was an absolute mad house. There was hardly any milk, all the bananas were gone, and, and there was no celery which we absolutely needed. While checking out, the cashier was telling us about all the crazy things that had been happening since the announcement that snow was on the way. Apparently they ran out of milk the previous day as well.

Seeing as another grocery store was literally around the corner, we decided to try there. Once again, we struck out. No celery, in fact, there was this huge whole in the produce section where it was suppose to be. We ended up having to buy one of those precut packages that cost so much more.

Why is that though? Why is it that the second snow is predicted or a heavy rain comes our way, people lose their minds?

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