Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wonder Woman

This weekend I spent it with Frannie. Three full days. I...am...tired. I have no idea how she does it. I love those boys and I am so thankful for them, but they are a handful. We went shopping one day and at one store, somehow there was glass on the floor and little Jett found it and cut his finger open. I swear, if there is a way that kid can hurt himself, he will find it.

She ran off to the bathroom, me chasing her, to wash his hands. While waiting for the store manager to return with a bandage, she made two more trips to wash his finger as it would not stop bleeding. Later that day while watching a movie, Jett was running up to grab a toy and flew head first into the coffee table. As if that wasn't enough for him, he later slid off the couch head first. Two words for this kid...Bubble Wrap.

I had a great time with them this weekend though. One night, before sending the boys up to bed we had a dance party in the living room with the lights turned off and glow sticks. It was intense and Panya is an excellent DJ I might add. We were dancing and jumping, and I got so worn out from it. It was such a workout.

Last night, as I began to unwind, and finally got to watch those DVDs that Panya gave me for Christmas courtesy of the new DVD player that he gave me, I was thinking about how awesome Frannie is, and I truly do not get how she does it. Hopefully, when I grow up, I can be just like her.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much. I know you wrote this before what happened today, but I really needed to hear some good words right now. And I wish I could be you when I grow up!
