Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Better things to come... I hope.

So far, this has not been my week, but I am hoping that today is the turning point.

I have rammed my leg into a desk, and now that there is actually muscle there, it felt like a knife jabbing in. A monster of a bruise soon followed. The last couple of days of spin have felt more like my first days way back when. Major ouches. Then yesterday, I forgot my socks at the house. So, I had to work out without them. Eeww. So gross.

Then, when I had gotten to the gym and was changing, I noticed that my favorite dress shirt had a hole in it. Where did it come from? It wasn't there when I got dressed that morning, it was there during work. I must have gotten in caught on my gym bag while walking in. Grrr.

Furthermore on this pile o crap, I was shopping for my books and thought that I had gotten a really great deal. One last thing left, I had to register for this website for my online class. The registration costs more than all my books... combined. What the $#&@!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who does that, who needs to use a completely separate online program rather than the one the school supplies... for free! I paid my freaking tuition and tech fee, now lets get some tech.

I noticed while coming out of the gym on Monday that I had several messages in my voicemail account. So, I listened to them and one by one I deleted them. Then the last came. Apparently my doctor's appointment was the following morning rather than this Friday when I had though it was and had told everyone at work that I would be late that day because of it. Geez, so I ran up that morning and sat there and waited, and waited. Then we the doctor finally came in, she commented on my blood pressure and how good it was, but nothing, nothing about my weight loss. I know that I have lost a significant amount, but it feels so much better to hear it from the doctor, and nothing. Nothing.

Hopefully today will turn everything around. I have a date with a potential house tonight. That's right, I'm probably going to move before the landlady has a chance to re rent it or sell it. I figured I was coming down to crunch time and needed to figure something out soon. Particularly after my dad asked me this past weekend where I was going to move to. "I don't know." His eyes almost popped out of his head. I just like the fact that I don't have everything planned out right now. Its new for me, and I like it. Not necessarily flying by the seat of my pants here, for most's definitions, but its a definite change for me. I have no idea where I will be in six months and its exhilarating.

Here's to the rest of this week and hoping that it pans out well.

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