Thursday, September 30, 2010

Against Odds

Every time that Sarah S. and I decide to go for a run, something always intervenes. The first time, it rained. The second, I was so dehydrated that it was a pathetic trip back.

Yesterday, we decided that we were going to try again. After it had rained all day long, it finally looked as though it was over, only slightly misty. Just as a precaution, we wrapped our ipods in plastic bags and off we went.

It was mildly annoying when we would run through a puddle or get pelted in the head by lingering drops of water from overhead, but hey, we were out there.

The further we went, however, the darker the sky looked and that "mist" slowly began to get heavier. Soon, we looked at each other and knew that it was raining, but we needed to keep going. So what if we got a little wet? Its not like we are going to melt.

Soon we were a little less than half a mile from the EPA and the bottom fell out. It was like we ran into a wall or something. Like we were tied to leashes, we both halted and bolted back in the opposite direction. It was raining so hard that I could not see. I needed wipers for my eyes. Finally, I had no other choice but to look down and make sure that I didn't run into anyone or anything.

Cars were honking at us as we raced by and sought refuge under some cypress trees. That only lasted for a moment before the rain muscled through and we decided to make a run for the bus stop. Only a few yards away and I happened to run into a giant water puddle. Since I was in fact wearing running shoes (we both were) and the top part is mainly mesh for proper air flow, my feet were completely water logged. Each step that I took was like running with ten pound weights on my feet. As we were passing the fire station, we looked over and saw that there were two other girls on the other side of the street running too. We felt sorry for them. Although we were all morons for being out there, they were wearing sweat shirts, absolutely drenched sweat shirts.

When we successfully made it back to the house, our sobbing wet clothes were bound for the dryer. When I removed my socks they "smacked" onto the ground. I never felt so gross in all my life. I didn't know what was sweat, snot, or rain running down my face.

After putting on some dry clothes and not really feeling like working out anymore, we headed over from some take out sushi and watched a good chick flick. After Sarah got home, she texted me to let me know that she had arrived safely and then said that our running together was not meant to be. I told her that we just needed to keep at it. Hopefully soon, and without accident, inclement weather or disease, we will be able to run together.

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