Thursday, September 2, 2010

The relaxation bone is connected to the... oh wait

Finals are finally over. I strolled out of class last night running through my head the answers that I had just handed in. Did I mention everything about COBRA? Did I, did I? One question was actually worth 16 points. 16!

I soon then met up with Sarah S. for a little shopping, girly shopping that is. We headed over to Vicki Secret for a few unmentionables. Then we headed over to Express to find something for her to wear for an upcoming wedding and finished off with a cup of coffee and a nice long chat. I love spending time with her, I just wish it was more often. (Go back to the day schedule. Its been three years, don't you miss the sun?).

I got home and my entirely exhausted and fatigued brain had its fill and it was off to bed. This morning was a difficult one to get up for. Any normal person would believe that today would be a great day. One for mischief. Not for me.

Although classes are over for a mere 20 days, I cannot rest. I have to bunker down for the massive brain cram in preparation for the LSAT. I have never really studied for any type of standardized test, and have always done well. For the LSAT, I want this to be a completely different story. I am going to apply myself to this, like I have been doing with everything else this past year. (It actually occurred to me while writing this that this same time last year, I had just completed my first quarter at ATC. Geez time flies). I have finally shown the world what I am really made of and I can't stop now. Nope, can't do it. I lack that wondrous ability to just sit somewhere and not have my mind run 100 miles a minute.

Even when I study, not only am I thinking about what I am studying, but also about what else I have to do that day. I have said this in the past, but it is my disease and I have no one to blame but myself (and maybe my mom).

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to squeeze some actual down time into it. I am excited about this game season. The game doesn't particular matter to me, just the opportunity to spend some fun and quality time with my friends. Its so hard to get all of us together with all the busy schedules that we keep.

So, come Friday, I am going to try and shake off this pile that I have loaded onto myself and float freely along with my friends. I will not think about work, school, or anything else that does not have to do with friends, beer pong, super nintendos, and grilled burgers. GO DAWGS!!!

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