Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Mere-a-thon of a weekend

Friday seemed like a terribly long day. I drove 90 miles after work to my grandmother's house for a birthday celebration of Adam's 30th. That's right, my big brother has finally reached 30, muahahaha. Although I did tell him to not sweat it, its no biggy. 30 is the new...uh.... 15? Which, I have to admit, is exactly how he acts when he gets around his best friend and our little brother.

We were there for four hours, but the time just flew right by. We were all reminiscing back on the days when we were kids and how we use to, and still do, torture each other. How Adam use to take everything apart when he was still in diapers once he had discovered the screw driver. Needless to say, he caused our parents much aggravation over the years. Always sticking his fingers in something (like the drum set) and climbing things he had no business climbing (like trying to cross our five acre land by climbing from tree to tree).

The next morning, Mama, Adam and I ventured over to Wally for some breakfast items. It was just like old times again. I was bounded up and down the isles while Adam was searching for his humus and chips. I found a choco taco and freaked. I haven't had one in months, months! I grabbed it and shoved it in Adam's face. "You know you want one. Num, num, num." "Mom, she's touching me!"

When we got back we cooked a marvelous meal and then it was time for Eric (Adam's bff and my surrogate brother) and Lindsay's baby shower.

Lindsay and I went to high school together and we have all known one another for the longest time. When we were kids, Eric, Adam, Chad (Eric's little brother) and myself would all play fort. When it was raining, we would still play, inside. I would find some of the best hiding places. Once I climbed on top of the refrigerator and patiently waited for my next victim to round the corner. As soon as Adam's arm was in view, "Bang!" He hit the ground from sheer shock and scrampered away as fast as he could. Then I sat and waited for the next unsuspecting enemy. While I was readjusting myself on the fridge, Eric came walking around the opposite corner, after hearing Adam's fall. He cautiously looked around, then looked up and saw me grinning from ear to ear. "That is an awesome hiding place!"

Ah, the good old days. Now, its hard to believe that he and his wife are starting their own family. Lindsay looked beautiful. Every pregnant woman's envy. She was wearing heels and had no swollen ankles. How is that possible? It was funny though, they had the UGA game on and I was dressed in support, and it wasn't until the game was over that people really started paying attention to the party. In fact, she didn't open presents until after the game.

Then it was time to journey back to my little world here. I love my family, I do, but they wear me flat out. I got home, threw my luggage on the floor, made dinner, downed a powerade and laid on the sofa watching a movie. I woke up at 6 am and couldn't believe that I had just passed out. Still tired, I fell back to sleep. Finally, getting up at 8, I made breakfast and cleaned up my mess from the night before. I spent most of the day just relaxing and trying to stave off dehydration. I have no idea why I get so dehydrated every weekend, but some how I do.

In spite of this, I did go to spin class. After all, I had to work off that bday cake and baby shower cake. Not mention the sausage biscuit I had for breakfast while at my mom's, oh and the choco taco. Although it was well worth it. After the gym I headed over to Plato's and struck out. Then I went to TJ Maxx, and again no luck. I will just have to hold onto my allotted clothes budget and roll it over to next month. Perhaps I will have more luck. I just really need some fall and winter clothes before the weather changes and I freeze to death. After all, I have a lot less insulation now.

Finally, to end the day I went to dinner, solo, and confused the entire staff there. Why is it so confounding that a woman would chose to eat alone. Oh well. And then I headed over to Kroger to purchase the necessary items to make my most famous mere-tastic lasagna for Andrea. When I took it out of the oven last night, I almost, for a minute, considered not giving it to her. It smelled so good. It was great to be cooking again though. I really need to start up again. I miss it, and I miss experimenting. I will also see great stuff in magazines and fold the page down, but I never make it because I always thought that it would be no fun to cook for one. Well, time to change that.


  1. Yep, now, what are we going to do for your husband's 40th? Muahahahaha. Yuck, just saying it makes me feel the cold breath of old age on me.
