Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today is SO my day!!!

I'm moving!

This is so exciting. I can't remember the last time that I was this excited about something that was happening in my life. Okay, that's not true. I haven't been this excited since my trip to NY.

I've been excited for other people, but for me in a long time. Like, when my ex got accepted to a law school that he really wanted to go to, when my nephews were born, when Mel got married, when Lin got engaged, and when Andrea had her son. So many wonderful things have been happening to my friends, and now, its my turn.

I cannot wait, 30 days from now I will be in complete bliss. Would you like to see my bliss, would you?

I cannot wait to wake up in the morning in my overly huge and amazing bedroom and place my delicate toes down on the hard wood floors. I cannot wait to finally learn how to cook with a gas stove. I just can't wait. I will be able to study next to the river or actually in the river ontop of the large stones.

Its so peaceful and claming out there. I just can't wait, I simply cannot say it enough.

The best part, no carpet. Roomba will be all that I need, and my mop, but that's it. No more steam cleaning my carpets (that means my mom can for an extensive amout of time borrow my carpet cleaner). I will just let roomba loose in the morning in my bedroom, let him run in the living room at night and call it a day. Easy peesy, lemon squeezy. (Yeah, I said it, so what?)

Biggest plus. Not that I minded living with Sarah, not that I minded the good times with my ex, but this place will be 100% completely mine. I haven't lived alone since I was 20. Granted I have been living alone for a while now, but it was still not completely mine because I once shared it with another. Not this time. To repeat a common phrase once used by me 23 years ago, ahemmm, "MINE!"

The pros just go on and on. No more grass to cut. No more weeds to pull. No more nasty people standing in my driveway. No more house showings. No more worries of a possible break in. (Its been happening in my current neighborhood).

So, I raise my glass to today's fortunes that have been bestowed upon my life. I hope that if there is anything that you all are hoping and dreaming for, comes true. I am passing along my luck, karma, or whatever magic has happened here today.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so charming!!!! I can't wait! Congrats to you!!!
