Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm too sexy for my pants, too sexy for my pants, so sexy it makes me chant...

Okay, maybe Right Said Fred didn't sing that, but it fits. Right?

So anyway... I went shopping again this past weekend. Specifically for, you guessed it, pants. The last couple of weeks it has been pretty embarrassing that I have to pull my pants up with every step that I took or whenever I got up from my desk. I have probably mooned all my neighbors while cutting the grass. I'm sure they enjoyed that!

My boss did make the comment, "Oh what a problem to have." I am happy that I have to get new pants, its just the whole buying thing that is getting me. Losing weight is expensive and I guess that I never got the memo.

Oh well, I shall just do my little turn on the catwalk.


  1. It's expensive, but much better than having to buy bigger pants, which would be just as expensive, but not near as fun!! love you!!

  2. Hahahaha, you always know who to turn things around.
