Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My grass can kiss my...

That's right folks. I have just gotten over the whole sneezing and coughing up crap thing, and guess what? Its time to cut the freaking grass again. Ahhhhhhh. I am really contemplating how long I want to stay in this house for. Why grass, why? I should be able to cut you once or maybe twice a month, not every single week for crying out loud.

I was talking to Sarah N. about it yesterday and I might have to be one of those people with the little blue mask things on while I do it. I'm going to look like a freak, but I guess its better than the alternative.

Now, if anyone would like to volunteer to do the job, I might be willing to supply a fantastic dinner as payment for such. Eh?


  1. want me to ask Panya if he minds? I'm sure Dad would do it, if we can't get up there.

    And for the love of zhu zhu pets, please change the settings to make it easier to comment!

  2. Hahahaha, what are zhu zhu pets?
