Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Nature, why?

This weekend was the weekend from hell for my poor little body. I sneezed, I sneezed and I sneezed some more.

It was such a beautiful day on Saturday that I decided that I needed to pick those daisies in my back yard and make an arrangement out of them. Then, I decided that laying out on a blanket in my front yard was a terrific idea. It was except for the bug part. A blanket is not a sufficient buffer between the bugs and I. I have bites on my legs, my arms, and my face, yep my face.

Oh, well. At least I got to enjoy the weather. However, I do want to know what I have done to upset Nature so much and why it has a vendetta against my nose.

Last night I drugged myself with a little antihistamine and woke up all "loopy." I still felt that way early this morning at work too. Probably not such a good idea.

Oh well, here's to the rest of the week. Maybe Nature will take it easy on me since I have two tests.

1 comment:

  1. Stuff like Claritin and Zyrtec shouldn't do that to you. You could also try a Zyrtec D. That seems to be what's working best for most folks. It's something you can take during the day; it has sudafed in it. So don't take it at night.
    Your Pharmacist. (One day, ha!)
