Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its the final countdown... for this quarter at least

Today and tomorrow I have my final exams. This was the shortest quarter that ATC has had yet, but it seemed to last forever. I've done so much that its almost unbelievable.

This quarter started off with me on vacation for five days. I missed two classes and numerous online posts for econ. Not worry, I made it up. The first week back from Florida consisted of two tests. Eek! But, I survived.

Furthermore, this quarter I have taught myself microeconomics (because Mr. Wisconsin is a terrible teacher. I'm sorry, but its true. Work on your feedback dude, seriously.) and I "started" a sole proprietorship, a general partnership, a limited liability company and a "S" corporation with Cakes by Mere. Are you tired yet, 'cause I am.

I spent 20+ hours on the computer in the library, coffee shops, and other random spots around town. I've spent hours in the Gardens slowly reducing my rented textbook to mush. Thanks humidity, couldn't have done it with out you.

I've made numerous trips to the big ATL, my folks, my sis's, made two birthday cakes, attended meetings for CAR, and never missed a beat with my friends here in town. I've gone running in the rain with Sarah, experimented with veggie substitutes, ate my weight in sushi, lost 15 pounds, three dress sizes, voted twice, gone to the lake more times than I can count, and countless other things.

I cannot wait for what all this upcoming quarter will entail. I already know that tailgating will be a big part of it since this may be my last opportunity to do it. I will be emerging myself into the world of the LSAT (if I get grumpy along the way, just humor me people, I'll be better by Christmas). I will probably be moving (for real this time, she just might have found an actual interested party) and downsizing considerably.

The one thing that I am looking forward to the most... my baby brother will finally be turning 21. Wooo, I cannot believe it. Its going to be a great time. Also, my bro-in-law will be 40. Its payback time, dun dun dun..... Hey Panya, I'm coming for ya!

So, cheers to a 20 day, not so free, freedom stint, and to the upcoming quarter. March and graduation will be here before I know it.

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