Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog Hiatus

I know that I have been slacking lately in the posting, but life is just soooo busy right now.

This weekend, I had a birthday party with Mel (we had a blast btw). We had dinner at Speakeasy, bounced about town, and then Jordan, his girlfriend, Mel and I threw our best moves down at 8Es.

Interesting side story. Jordan is the sibling of Joy, there are four siblings in total, all with "J" names. Jordan went to high school with Sarah S. and he then later met Sarah N., and me when I turned 21. Thennnnn... Joy was friends with my ex because she was dating his friend Tamar at the time, who was also friends with Mel and Lin, therefore creating this big huge loop of how we all know the notorious "J's." Life's little quirks, huh?

Then, at dinner, I arrived slightly late, and when I got there, I sat down in front of someone who looked especially familiar. She said the same. I thought, and thought, and then it hit me. The night that I was Sarah S.'s wing woman, the night before my vaca to Florida, this girl was winging for the guy that Sarah was interested in. We both looked at each other and it hit at the same time. "Bing!"

Anyway, Saturday morning was spent on the sofa, watching my favorite childhood movie, The Princess Bride. Then I was off to the big ATL for a little debautury with Sarah N. which resulted in my temporary loss of hearing and the constant ringing in my head. "Somebody answer the damn phone!"

Then Sunday morning, it was more time on the couch, Sarah's though, and then off to get coffee with my surrogate sis Katie. Its funny, she is in town now, and we are leaving soon for DC. We are temporarily switching places. Anyway, we chatted it up for a good hour, laughing so hard that I actually cried.

Then I had to say my goodbyes and headed back to town for a title exam the following morning. Whoever said that the Clerk's office opens at 8:00 lied! They are in there, but the door was most certainly locked.

Now, I sit here, deciding which recipes to go with for Thanksgiving as it will be at my house. I found out that my family isn't coming until the morning of, which means that we are going to have to burn some rubber to get everything fixed in time, and have the chairs built and covered before its time to sit down. Either that, or it will be Thanksgiving Asian style (on the floor).

I'm already out of breath just thinking about what all needs to be done. Here's to hoping it all works out.

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