Monday, November 8, 2010

Bruise Fairy Strikes Again

Granted, I knew that I was bound to be more "bony" once the weight really started coming off, but I had no idea to this extent. Unfortunately, due to my native heritage, large, bony hips just come with the package. No escape, none what so ever.

Lately, I have started getting this unexplained bruises again, on my ankles (I suspect shoes as the culprits) and on my knees (perhaps cycling). However, I never thought that I would get them on my hips, nor that sleeping would prove to be painful. I noticed it more particularly last night than anything.

I was watching a movie as I fell asleep and could not get comfortable lying on my side, which is my preferred position. My hip just kept jamming into my absolutely "stiff as a board" mattress (which I love for my bad back). When I woke this morning, my sides were really hurting and I could see where a new bruise was forming. No me gusta!

I may be investing in a pillow top soon, either that or just learn to sleep on my back and/or stomach.

Perhaps I need to also set up a camera and catch this bat wielding fairy on tape. Then people will believe me!

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