Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dx: Senioritis

As of yesterday, I registered for my last quarter at ATC. That's it, Civil Lit and my internship. I have a measly four months left. I cannot wait to be finished and actually have some spare time... for a minute.

I remember way back when in March when I set out my course of "the plan." I cannot believe that the first leg is nearing its end. Furthermore, that step two is exactly a month away, and once its over, its over.

Time has really surprised me at how fast its flown by. I mean, think about it, its crazy! Seven months ago, I laid down the course for the next five years of my life, moved, lost 45 pounds, gone through three wardrobes, gotten fantastic news at work (which I'm sure you can only guess what it was), all in seven months. SEVEN MONTHS! Most can't do that in a year.

Now you may be able to understand my senioritis. Really it kicked in last quarter, but now its in full swing. I am a little freaked out that there is only four weeks left of this quarter, and I still have so much to do. I have a paper to write (worth 60% of my final grade for Office Management), two more projects for Real Estate including a title exam and settlement agreement, and three more tests in precal. I am freaked out by what all I have to do, but at the same time lack the motivation to get a move on. How does that work? Only me I guess.

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