Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Own Looking Glass...

I recently was unpacking and setting up my home office. The majority of those things had been packed since February, so needless to say, I wasn't sure what all I would find in there.

To my utmost surprise, I found a CD that had things I never knew existed. I started to search it, believing that it held only one thing, pictures from my trip to NYC. Well, it had a lot more than that. It reminded me of a conversation that Sarah N. and I had recently.

We were at dinner and reminiscing the past. The party next to us included an extremely pregnant woman there for her eggplant no less. It made us think about our friend Ben. We were trying to guess how old his daughter was now. Sarah said one, and I refused to believe it, thinking she was much older. "It seems like forever ago that she was born."

"Remember last year at the holiday party? Mary was still pregnant. She isn't even one yet." Then, Sarah, being uncharacteristically insightful, said, "It just seems like forever for you because of what all you have done this year."

She was right. This year has seemed like four to me. And that is where this story picks up. As I was going through the CD, picture after picture, some I could remember having them taken, others I could not place when or where I was.
 And, although I know that it is impossible for any of those pictures to have been any more than two years old, it seems like a life time ago, or even a different life. Looking at those pictures was like stepping through a mirror and witnessing an alternate life of mine. What would have been, rather than what was.
I still have a hard time believing that I was that big. In fact, one photo that I viewed happened to be me wearing the same outfit that I was. Like a strange episode the Twilight Zone, I looked in amazement at how the clothes barely fit me then, and how they still barely fit me, but in the opposite sense. 

So many, and which I refuse to post, were of me sleeping or in my bed reading. Why was I so lethargic? Why hadn't anyone said anything to me sooner?

 Then I saw one series of pictures and immediately began busting out laughing. I remember the incident like a movie in my head. It was a series of pictures of a squirrel, a squirrel which he was chasing and captured every second of it, even the retreat up the tree.  

It was fun and odd to be looking back. Like I said, I have a hard time remembering those incidences that are now forever captured and stored on a little sliver plastic disc.   

Your guess is as good as mine.

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