Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Journey on...alone?

Originally I had asked my brother-in-law to come on a journey with me. My first official bike ride. According to Frannie, he had started warming up to the idea. But, as fate would have it, Panya (my b/i/l) injured himself earlier this week.

He was hanging shelves in the garage while Frannie was out in the yard playing with the kids. She heard him make a noise, turned around and saw that he had fallen through, that's right, I said through, the ladder. He already has a bad track record with that ankle to begin with, so naturally, he is hurt.

My sympathies are of course completely with him, and I wish him a fast and speedy recovery, but what do I do now? I wanted him to go with me for several reasons. (1) Bonding time; (2) a chance to learn from someone who use to ride 100+ miles a day; and (3) should anything happen to me, someone could relay it.

I am still debating on whether or not I should go for it. It would be good for me to branch out, but I am still not sure if this is the best way to go about it. This race is a particularly long one.

I have about a week and a half to determine my final decision. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. why not just postpone it? Ask him if he can do one at a later date. I don't think he will be back on a bike for awhile, but y'all could try for the spring or something. This isn't the only bike ride out there. :)

    He is really bruised up and has some pretty bad ligament damage.
