Friday, October 15, 2010

You won't like me when I'm angry...

This morning, as I was locking my door and heading to the car, for the first time, it felt like fall. I could see my breath in the air. I shortly, thereafter, realized that my next purchase must be a jacket. The really nice one that I purchased for myself last year, sadly, no longer fits. I got so many compliments on that jacket too.

Today, although I am still tired and in desperate need a long, uninterrupted sleep, am feeling pretty great. I am wearing for the first time in six months, a pair of pants, jeans, that does not require my wearing of a belt. Heya! I cannot possibly describe how amazing it feels to finally wear clothes that fit. Each time that I stand up today, there will be no need to pull anything up or readjust. It just fits. Plain and simple.

This past week has been a dosy for me, but productive. Wednesday was by far my busiest day. Although, I did actually offend myself. The day seemed to fly by with all the conferences and webinars, running of errands, and finally performing an exorcism on the copier, finally I was ready to have my personal training session. I had been waiting on this for over week. Brian had rescheduled with me three times.

As I got into my car, I noticed that I had left it in there after running my last errand. I picked it up to see if anyone had attempted to contact me. Yep, someone sure did. It was the straw that had finally broken this camel's back. Brian wanted to reschedule for Friday. Then I said it, the one thing that in all my life I have refused to say. I never thought it was possible to offend yourself, but it is.

It must have sounded so strange coming from my mouth. Luckily, no one was in the car with me to witness such a monstrosity. I have been told two opinions of my ability to cuss. First, Sarah S. says that I do it with such conviction and emotion. That it is funny when I say it, but at the same time, you know that I mean business. Then, my ex told me that I was terrible at it, and that it was simply funny and that I scared no one. I would like to believe that the former is true.

Anyway. Basically, all this really taught me was that I truly hate flakes. I really do. If you are a flake and can never (1) Make up your mind; (2) Commit to be somewhere when you said that you would be; or (3) Follow through, you and I will surely not get along. Don't even try, you will only further irritate me and provoke the beast within.

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