Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sleepless nights

As the war rages on in my respiratory system, my nights are progressively getting worse and worse. Either I don't notice it until then, or it really doesn't effect me until then, my nights are full of coughing. Not just weak, "a-hu" coughs, but violent, "scare the shit out of cat" coughs. I actually have to sit upright otherwise its too painful.

What is wrong with me? It has never taken me this long to get over any illness. Including the chicken pox. Each night I chug NyQuil in hopes that I will be able to quiet the unrest lying beneath, but to no avail. Furthermore, my mind is constantly running 100 miles per hour. "Did I do everything for precal that I was suppose to? Did I pack those things the other day? Did I call everyone that I needed to for that deposition?"

Why didn't my brain come equipped with a pause button? Can we fix that? I read somewhere that they have invented a bio printer for growing arteries and such. So why not?

Although it is no longer painful to talk, as I said yesterday, I do get stares when I open my mouth. Again today, during class, no one was willing to share what they had done for their land survey and legal description. So, being the insufferable know-it-all that I am, I chimed in. At first, he just looked at me as if he was astonished that I could actually speak in such conditions, then he would blink and ask me what I had just said.

Eventually this has got to stop. Right now I am in debate over whether or not I should attempt spin class tonight. Although I know that my legs could take it, I am worried about my lungs surviving the torture.


  1. Holy crap. Take a break and go see a doctor.

  2. Eh. I have some antibiotics at home, but they are in the garage in a mystery box hidden by others. I am hoping that I can get an early start on the moving, perhaps Friday. So, the second that box is uncovered and I find the meds, I promise that I will take them, in spite of my dislike for putting foreign objects in my body.

  3. uhm- mystery antibiotics that are hanging out in the garage somewhere? really??? you give so much effort into taking care of your body and exercising and eating healthy, but you don't want to go to a doc? At this point, I am sure that the right antibiotics are better for you than dowing nyquil every night. quite sure. get thyself to a doctor post haste.

  4. I agree with Mike and Frannie. I've been telling you to go to the doctor for like weeks now. I mean, what else has to happen to you for you to realize that you should have listened to us? You're so stubborn!

    P.S. I really hope you didn't go to spin.

  5. All right now. This is not "gang up on Mere day." I did not go to spin for your information. But, the good news is that I feel a lot, strike that, tremendously better. I am not coughing near as much and I got a sound night of sleep last night. So :P
