Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Playing by the rules.

I have never really been like other girls. Now, I understand that just about every women has said this in their lifetime. However, with me, its true.

When we were kids, my sister was always in dresses and wearing these blazers with little do-hicky thingys on them, I was always up in some tree or throwing a pine cone "grenade" at my brothers during an intense game of capture the flag.

I like games, but I hate drama. And that is my problem with dating. I don't like playing those little mind games. My mother has always told me to not make it too easy, but that is how I am. I am an easy going, go with the flow kind of person. I would rather some guy come up and say, "hey, I like you." Okay, let's go from there. Either there is something there or there isn't. Forget the whole cat and mouse crap.

However, because of this, I guess the guys that I date don't feel that sense of accomplishment. There is no hill or tower to climb, I basically put it all out there. Like I use to say, "Take it or leave it." I guess the only real obstacle with me is my heart. Because I have been hurt some much, I am pretty guarded and it takes a while for me to let someone in. I am working on it though. I just like to analyze people first before I give them a chance.

The good news, if there is any, is that I won't be ready to start dating again until I finish school and move. It would be really cruel to start dating someone and then I decide to move. "Hey, it's been great, bye now!" Like I've been telling others, who knows where I might end up?
Weight Loss Update: I am now up to 13 lbs lost since the beginning of March. Woot!

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