Saturday, August 14, 2010


Oh Billy. What can I say about Billy? I knew that I was going to like him the second we met. Sitting there, quite, you just knew, whatever he did chose to say it was going to be freaking hilarious.

I was so excited to find out where he grew up. Finally, someone from my neck of the words. Whenever I would fall asleep over at Billy and Mike's place, they would always try to pull a prank on me. I would wake up with a bowl of water next to me, and once, a single blue dot in the middle of my forehead.

Billy was also very compassionate. One time, it was like three in the morning, and I had fallen asleep on the couch and Ben had been drinking as well. I woke up with Ben lifting the couch and flipping it with me still on it. I was so pissed. I was ready to take him down. That's when they started calling me an angry drunk. Well, I wasn't drunk, I was asleep. Right after that, Billy offered me his bed, which I gladly took.

One time over at Eli's house when we were having a bond fire in his back yard, Billy tried to "help" me chop wood by trying to jump on the limb I was sawing in two pieces. He completely missed and rolled over on the ground. Good job Billy, good job.

When Billy, Mike, Ben and Josh all lived in the same house, for extra money, I would clean for them. It started because I was dating Josh at the time and could not stand how nasty it was over there. While I would be cleaning Billy's room, he would be playing warcraft and talking to someone over the internet. His favorite thing to do was to get me to talk to whoever it was. I don't know why, but he loved it.

Later, I learned that it was Chandler, saying absurd things and most of them inappropriate. Wow, let's not do that again. Many nights, I would make 4th meal runs with Billy and Mike. They would buy my dinner so long as I drove them since they were in no state to drive. It was a pretty good system we had worked out there. And can you imagine, me being actually awake to enjoy 4th meal? Crazy.

Billy also loved to throw cards around my room whenever he came over. That and bottle tops. When I moved, there were so many under my bed it was ridiculous. He would be in my room when I wasn't even home doing it. I would walk in and he would be watching tv while Mike was on the computer.

The worst was, no matter how mad I got at him, I couldn't stay that way. He would flash that ear to ear grin and it was impossible to yell at him. He was just too cute.

Billy was the one who got me into hockey. On most Thursday nights, when most college students would be hitting downtown, we would travel up to the big ATL. My first ever hockey game was exciting. He spent the whole time trying to explain to me what was going on. All I really cared about was banging my "thunder sticks" and wooting and hollering at the fights that broke out.

The last summer that I lived in Milly, Billy stayed with Sarah S. and I in Sarah N.'s vacant room. We hardly ever saw him. He would play warcraft until 3 in the morning. I would wake up and he would have just gotten to bed or would be making a trip to the bathroom completely dazed. I would come home for lunch and he would have just woken up and making his famous spam and eggs breakfast. [Vomit]

That was also the summer that Billy and I had our famous "just one drink" night. I will never forget how he tempted me with sushi and the promise that we would only stay out for a minute. Four hours later, I had chugged four full beers, consumed numerous others, and was escorting Billy and Alison home. I remember how fast the room was spinning as I put my head down that night. I immediately had to get up and make a run for the bathroom. Those cold tiles felt so good. The next day at work was a rough one.

I was so sad when I had to leave and helped him move into his new apartment.

Billy, I miss you and you need to come around more, and actually call when you do come into town.
Update: I found this video of Billy. Its a classic Billy moment.

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