Monday, August 2, 2010

Buzz Killer...

Apparently my mother has been freaking out about my plans to jump from the tree at the lake. She said that in her dreams, I jump from the tree, land in the water, and when I come back up, there is a snake wrapped around my neck. Not just any snake, but a water moccasin.

I told her that lots of people go down into that cove, that its a heavily trafficked area, and that the water is 30+ feet deep. They can't nest underwater. They would be nesting in the roots more than anything, so we should just take the pontoon boat out so that I can swim up to it rather than dock the ski boat into the shallow neck.

Nope, not good enough. And, on top of that, my little brother is freaking out too. They would rather help me jump out of a plane than that stupid tree. Why? I will let someone go before me. Look, if my 50 year old uncle can do it, drunk, then I should have no problem.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or upset or worry my mother, but people, come on. Let me be. If this is something that I really want to do, and there is no real foreseeable danger, then what is the harm?

I still have a month to ponder this and take my mom's feelings into consideration, but, aren't I suppose to be living for myself right now?

If I do die, at least I can say I jumped out of that tree. Right?

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