Friday, August 20, 2010

What will I blog about today?

Yesterday I had a classic Mere moment. I left my phone at home. Not really an issue for me because I am not attached to it like some people I know who wear them on their hips. That's right, I'm looking at you! The only real problem was that I told Sarah S. to call me when she got to the gym to meet up with me. Not to worry. I e-mailed Sarah N. explaining to her what had happened and asked that she simply text Sarah S. to inform her that I still planned on seeing her at the gym after work. See, no harm, no foul.

She came running up to me while I was on the treadmill and she hopped on the one next to me. Gossip commence. So, it was time for my person training. While waiting for Jenna to get my workout card and things together, she informed me that she saw me running down the road the other day. Caught red handed. She said that I was doing very well.

Then it was time for torture and pain. This was our first session together since she had left for Russia. Although two months had past, it was like it was yesterday. We were cutting up and laughing. I probably burned more calories doing that than the actual workouts. During some of my exercises, I would look over at Sarah and she would be laughing at me. Glad that I can bring joy to so many people. Ahhh. Moving on.

She taught me this new exercise where I lay on my back, grab hold of her ankles and swing my legs up to her face (not kicking her in the face, that is) and then she pushes them away and I cannot let them hit the floor. That made my stomach hurt in places I didn't know I had. Geez. She also commented on my necklace, as she always does. She told me that if she had that necklace, she would wake up everyday with a smile on her face. (This is the one that I made out of the ring). I will admit that it is very pretty and it is a constant reminder of how far I have come.

When our time was up, I told her that Sarah and I were about to do spin class. She looked at me like I was crazy and then made me lay back down and we did some leg stretches. "You will cramp up, trust me. We can't have that." Then she told me that even though she had been gone for two months, I was her little trophy for having done as much as I have.

I told her that I was sitting on top on the goal that Dante and I had set and told her that I wanted to push it and she agreed.

Spin class was awesome. I had sweat dripping from everywhere. I couldn't wipe down with the towel enough, and he even shortened the class because his friend was having their grand opening at this new bar downtown.

After working out, Sarah and I just couldn't leave the night at just that. Nope, I told her that I had a spaghetti squash that I was dying to try out. So, she went home to take out her dog and then headed over to my place. Apparently I must have a tiny microwave or abnormally large casserole dishes because we ended up making it in a 500 degree oven.

It was really good though, and it was the first time that I had real pasta sauce in forever. Sarah said that she was willing to try new things with me, but that my palette is just a little strange for her sometimes. Oh well, can't please everyone.

I liked it so much that I am going to have to make this a stable. Health spaghetti, who would have thunk it huh?

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