Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shiny & New

People have been saying it, and I have just been dismissing it, but I started thinking about it last night.

I was mowing the yard, and there isn't a whole lot that you can do other than the old familiar back and forth, and round the corner. My brain has no alternative other to wandering about.

Last Friday night, I made a comment to Sarah S. about how I desperately needed to get some more solution for my nasal cleansing thing. She asked why I was still doing that and I responded, "Because I am allegoric to Mo and the outside." She stated that she had no idea that I was and that I had never shown any signs of such. Well, I looked back in my blogs and it has been since May that I have had any problems regarding my sinuses.

Then I started thinking about what other things have subsided since my expanded efforts to improve my well being. I no longer have acid reflux (thank goodness), my feet never cause me trouble anymore (unless I fall off a platform and sprain my ankle), the arthritis in my knees is either gone or no longer bothers me, I have less back pain, I'm not nearly as tired (sleep wise) as I use to be, I've dropped three dress sizes, and the final blow... the cherry on this magnificent and decadent masterpiece, I'm two pounds away from the goal Dante set for me way back when.

I am still no where close to where I want to be though, so I am going to aim for ten more pounds. Which, if I were to do that, would mean that I would be smaller than I was in high school. Right now, I am actually one size on top and another on the bottom. The top is smaller (obviously) and my bottom is in fact the same size that I was in high school. Ta da!

Furthermore, my mother I and I have the same build, and if I keep going, I will be smaller than she was when she was my age (let's do it). Not to sound bias (which I am) but my mother was a knock out (and still is for someone her age who had four children naturally).

So, perhaps Ari is right, and do look and feel like a completely different and/or new person. She saw some pics of me from one of my runs (I take a picture to mark each time that I make it somewhere far off) and said that I looked nothing like I did when she left our office to return to Atlanta. That was back in February.

I cannot wait to see what all possibilities lay before me. I am just estactic about my progress so far (even though I am still hard on myself). Plus, I've got a new Spin buddy. Sarah S. has been joining me the last couple of times that I have gone. I think that she just might have talked me into taking up kickboxing as well. Look out bag, I'm coming for ya.

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