Thursday, August 26, 2010

You wanna go where everybody knows your name...

I was recently surprised when I last visited the local jeweler downtown. You see, when I could not successfully sell my ring and was further encouraged to keep it as a badge or trophy, I headed over there for their creativity and skilled craftmanship. They did a terrific job and I receive numerous compliments on the item daily.

Now, due to my significant weight loss, my great grandmother's wedding set no longer fits. I am constantly (and obsessively I might add) checking to make sure that the tiny symbols of love are still adorning my slinder digits. They are continually sliding around and are never positioned correctly.

Well, in an effort to remedy this and further reward myself, I decided to have a new piece made from some already existing jewelry that I no longer wear. Each time that I walk in the door to check on the progress and make another payment towards my prize, I am greeted, by name, first and last, as I walk in.

"Come on back Mere, let me show you what is going on." Each time that I see it, I am pleasantly surprised at their apparent ability to read my mind and know my tastes, exactly. I cannot wait to proudly display this work of art once it is finished.

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