Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Setting a New Goal

Well, unfortunately I will not be able to go to the lake, or at least that lake house for Labor Day. So, I have to set a new goal for my finish line, that is, if I meet it. I weighed myself this morning and I only lost a single pound since my last trip to the scale.

My trainer told me to remain optimistic because what the scale isn't telling me is how many inches and fat I have lost, nor how much muscle weight I have gained. Good point Sir. Perhaps I lost five pounds of fat, but gained a pound in fat burning muscle. So, just as long as I get the results I want, I guess that I can be patient... maybe.

Well, on my morning drive, that's when I decided what my new goal would be. To run from my house to (prepare yourself) downtown. Wouldn't that be cool? Granted, I probably wouldn't make it back, but hey, at least I would have gotten there. I'll just call someone to pick me up.


I look at it this way. To Ramsey from my house, on foot, and back is a little over six miles. I did that, no problem. Now, to North Ave, and back is a little over ten miles. I could do it, right?

I think that would be a great victory lap for me. Who wants to join me? Anybody? I'd be really fun.


  1. I thought you were going to take it easy on yourself? This sounds like a bit much...

  2. Nah, it'll be fine. If I don't make it, you can be the first in line to say "told you so."
