Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend of Solitude

Okay, the slow weekends tend to go by faster apparently, because here I am on Monday morning wondering where all that time went.

I took Friday off from running and the gym because I was still in large amounts of pain from training, and I had big plans for Saturday. I just chilled around the house and watched movies and cleaned. I even spent enough time with Mo that he was sick of it after a little while. Saturday morning came, and I jumped out of bed with such enthusiasm. I got on my workout clothes, tied my shoes, got my keys and phone, I opened the door..... RAIN!!!! What the crap? It can't rain today, I have plans for my most excellent adventure.

All right, I decided to chill for an hour and see what would happen. An hour passed, I thought I had heard the rain stop and I could hear my neighbor mowing his lawn. I open the door and bullets are falling out of the sky, but I did hear the mower. Was it only raining over my house?

I did that for the whole morning. Stuck my head out and saw that the rain coming down just as hard as before. When it finally stopped (as if it was planned this way) I had no time to go run and be back in time to get ready for my visitors.

Well, time finally came and I got a ring at the door. My dad and stepmom came into town to had dinner with me and to experience the town. One big problem though, very hard to pick out a good restaurant when my stepmom is allegoric to garlic. We did fine though. I took them to my favorite downtown eatery (as of yet) and we had wine and pizza and salad and caprese. YUM!

She also gave me her old iphone 3g. Now I can finally upgrade. Finally. I am very appreciative. Now what do I do with my old phone? I might see if Kev wants it, but he probably wouldn't be able to afford the hefty AT&T bill that comes with it.

Sunday was a very slow day for me. I just chilled around the house. Did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, watched roomba (still no ninja knives Frannie, sorry) and watched a few movies. I mostly snacked on carrots and grapes all day and didn't think anything about it, until I went to the gym.

I went into spin class, had my bottle of water ready and hopped on the bike. Did fine through my warn up, did fine through Rich's warm up, however the first sprints got me. My stomach starting feeling emptier and emptier with every rotation of the wheel. I made it through the mountain climb and back down, but it was the heavy intervals that got me. Each time that I would sit back down, my head would feel all fuzzy. I was really afraid that I wasn't going to make it through the class, but I pushed myself and did it.

I got in the shower, and stood there for a good five minutes trying to get myself together. I ate a clif bar (whoever said that was suppose to taste like banana nut bread lied) and downed more water. After leaving the gym, I scurried over to Planet Smoothie and had one made with lots of stuff in it to sustain me until I got home.

Then I was off to the Gardens for a little reading. I trekked out to the great lawn, sat down in front of the retaining wall and spread my blanket out. I was out there for about two hours and didn't realize how humid it was until my papers were getting all flimsy and the pages of my book would tear when I turned them.

Later that night, I just took it easy on myself and ate a pork chop to fill in the gaps of food that I hadn't consumed that day. I really need to start watching myself, I don't want to ever do that again.

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