Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday's Circus

Man I cannot believe that this week is already over. Geez, where did it go?

Today, I have an uddle of things to get done before even thinking about this weekend starting, which will be tonight, eek. Get crackin' Mere.

Yesterday is really when all the madness ensued. I was writing a paper for Microeconomics yesterday, all the while my friend, Stefan, was tutoring me for my test for the same via gchat from Seattle.

Then I had personal training last night. I warned up on the treadmill, got those familiar pains in my legs. Then, out of no where, my trainer, Brian, popped up from behind the machine. Where the crap did you come from? Apparently his 5:30 didn't show and he was ready to take me on. Well then, lets get started.

We did my arms for a minute and then it was time for some leg curls. Ouch, crap, that really freaking hurts. I told him what was going on, and then he informed me that I have shin splints. He explained that he suffers from them as well due to his lack of an arch. Simple fix, I need insoles or shoes with them built in. He gave me lots of good advice. Thanks buddy.

Then it was time for more torture. Apparently I have the ability to make things look far to easy while working out. In fact, if I do, he will crank up the weight or resistance until I make my so famous and popular "sour faces." He even tried to recreate them to show me just how silly they look. Yeah, don't do that.

Then he made me do "triangle" push ups. Whoever thought of those needs to be shot. What the crap, those really freaking hurt.

Then, the time came. I had to decide who I was going to keep as a trainer. I told him that I was probably going to stick with Jenna since, you know, she's a girl and I'm a girl. I can talk to her more easily about the particular areas that are more trouble for females. However, I did express my dissatisfaction with the fact that I couldn't keep them both. Then, just as I was saying it, Dante walked by. I talked to him about it for a minute, and guess what? I do, I do get to keep them both. Yay!! Super exciting. Although they did say that they were going to team up now and make sure that my life was a living hell. Oh goody, what did I bring on myself now? Just kidding. I am really excited because they both are terrific trainers. Who would have thought that I could have my cake and eat it too?

Now, today, I have been trying to schedule mediation's, line of the proper CLE credits for my bosses, and still have to submit my paper and take my test. Then its off to start this fabulous weekend. I don't have it all planned out just yet, but the first stop is a meeting with my CAR State Society. Woot. My mom actually thought that I would wear my ribbon to Workshop. Oh Mama, aren't you silly. No senior member wears their member ribbon to a workshop. In fact, I will only wear it when I am at a board meeting or formal banquet. Sorry.

Anyway, time to get a move oh. Hi-yah! [insert whip crack here]

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