Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Rebellious Feline

Lately my cat, Mo, has been crying a lot more. Almost as much as he did when he first came into my life. Every five seconds he is meowing at me. What do you want cat? Seriously?

When I was out for vacation, I had Sarah S. watch him for me. It is usually a pretty easy going animal. I just told her to let him in at night, and out in the morning. That was it. That's how he has been for the last 8 months that I have had him. Apparently, while I was gone he went on the floor by the back door. When she called to tell me I thought, "Odd, he never, never goes out that door."

Well, since then it has happened two more times. I was trying to figure out why he is in such a mood. I know that its not because he can't hold it during the night. Even last night, I let him out three times before going to bed around midnight. Three times. I wake this morning to find a surprise next to my washing machine. Why Mo?

Needless to say, he and I had a rough morning. I threatened to ship him off to Atlanta... and that's when it hit me. He has lost more than half the attention he use to get, gone now. I was always away that I had forgotten that until recently, he got a lot more attention that I have been giving him. I feel so bad now. I know that he is just a cat, and that eventually he will learn to adjust, but his little world has been turned upside down. He use to come in the door anytime that someone would open it, during various times throughout the day. Now, he just sits in the driveway, waiting for me to pull up. I'm not joking, he literally is sitting in the driveway.

I don't know what he is going to do when I move. Then he will have to adjust to a new location and deal with less space. He cannot be an indoor cat, he can't stand to be locked in all day. I did that once and it was the only time I had actually heard him scream.

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