Friday, July 30, 2010

Fighting the blues...

I have to say that last night and today has been the first time in a looong time that I can honestly say I feel blue.

I was feeling it last night and forced myself to early retirement, but it did not work. I woke up feeling the same way. I actually did squirt some small insignificant liquid from my eyes (don't tell anybody) last night as I was getting my things ready for today.

Even during lunch, it is a completely beautiful day outside, and I walked to run some errands and grab lunch itself. I even went to my favorite downtown eatery. Still, as I type this blog, I have that empty feeling in my stomach. Why is that, why won't it go away?

I know that I have come a long way, but I also understand that there is still much more ahead of me. Its just that I thought I would be further down the road than I am. The longer it takes sometimes, the emptier I feel.

I also understand that I have been working out more this week than I have been lately, and harder for that matter. I got my heart rate up to 179 the other day, and I really felt dizzy the rest of the night afterwards.

For these reasons, I am taking today, and the rest of the weekend off from working out. I am going to try to catch up on some sleep, and I will be seeing some dear friends as well. Hopefully this will all create one big happy recipe to fill me up with warm fuzzies.

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