Monday, July 19, 2010

"You can be my wingman anytime"... "Bullshit, you can be mine!"

This weekend was a mess, an absolute mess, but some awesome things came out of it.

Friday went by super fast at work. I turned around and it was 5 o'clock already. Then it was time to get my oil changed. I had gotten it done at a superstore last time and it was super expensive too! No thank you. So this time I tried something new. I went to the 3.99 car wash where they just so happen to do oil changes to. It was a terrific exprience. I just rolled my window down, sat there, and they did the rest. I didn't even have to get out of the car. There was no wait, it was fantastic. Then, for getting my oil changed, they give you their top of the line car wash ($14 value) for free. Terrific. Then I got to use their super duper, suck your face off, vaccums to clean out my car. They also have these cool "rug beaters" that you just stick your car matts in, press the button, and it cleans them and gets all the hair and crunched in cheetos off. The best part, it was free! (I like free stuff, can you tell?)

Then I met up with Sarah S. to run some errands and buy stuff for my fabulous tubberware party that I was having the next day. The theme was Jello Shots and Flip Flops. Then we had a terrific dinner together where we were almost brutually attacked by a yellow jacket.

I have never made jello shots before, so Sarah and I decided to try it together. We had to cut the ingredients down by half since I wasn't making nearly as much as the receipe called for. What would I have done with 28 Jello Shots?

After making them, and a huge mess on her counters, we downloaded a movie via her online rental account and watched a pretty good indie film. I was really surprised at how good it was, and the acting for that matter.

The next morning it was time to set up. I steam cleaned my carpets while my landlord was outside making all kinds of noises doing lawn maintenance. I guess he was trying to "up" the curb appeal in hopes of selling the house. Good Luck buddy. Why don't you lower the price?

Anyway, after all the cleaning I had to make my flip flops for the contest. They were so cute. I might have had a few mishaps in making them though. Why is it that super glue will dry instantly to your fingers and nothing else? My index finger is still raw. Ouch.

Unfortunately, the party was a bust. Only one person came who I had invited and had expected to come. I know that many of you had valid excuses and told me beforehand, but one person did not. She even told me the day before that she was coming and bringing her grandchild because she had to watch him that day. We sat there for 30 extra minutes waiting for her to arrive. I finally called her and she said that she wasn't coming. Thanks for calling.

Anyway, so my fabulous sister did the party for me and my friend. We still had a great time and talked, and talked, and talked so more. Also, apparently my roomba is more talented then I give him credit for. As told by Frannie, roomba was eyeing her from across the house when she first arrived, after I had gone out to help her unload her car, roomba came after her with ninja knives and eye glowing eyes. Sure, Frannie, whatever you say dear. Although, I have to admit, she is not the only person to have told me that roomba attacked them. Sarah N., did roomba have ninja knives when he came for you?

I also told my sister something that she wasn't too happy about, but that is another blog.

Anyway, afterwards, Frannie was off to yet another party (she works hard for the money), and Sarah came over since she got put on call at the hospital. We went to the mall, Target and who knows where else looking for outfits for her. She is leaving me soon, she and Sarah N. for California for a week. What am I going to do without them for a week?

When we got to Target, I found this great, and inexpensive, pair of tennis shoes. I think I might like this pair better than my old ones actually. They may end up being my lawn shoes.

Since I had this rare opportunity to hang out with Sarah, we decided to make the most of the night, and we went downtown where I played her wingman, again. It was great though. We had a nice and easy time. While out, we ran into our good friend Jamie. He is such a sweetie.

Then we went to an oldie of ours and had a drink that we finally found someone to make. We had asked for it before in the past, but no one knew what we were talking about and it was always a complete miss. This is about how the conversation went.

Me: Do you remember a long time ago, and I mean a long time ago, there was this drink called a pantie drop. This must have been like four years ago. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Bar Tender: I think so, its a drop shot right?

Me: (No freaking kidding dude) Yeah that's it.

It was exactly what we had been waiting for, for sooooo long.

The next morning, so how I had talked Sarah into going to spin class with me. Muahahahaha. She had a good time though, but her butt will hurt for a while, especially since she will be doing it again with her friend at their gym today.

Then, as if we hadn't spent enough time together (I'm going to miss her) we went to the grocery store, where I had a total Kroger win. For $13 I got enough food for me and Mo for a month. The fact that my stomach is the size of a pea might have contributed as well.

Then, we had this craving that had to be satisfied. Dun, dun, dunnnnnn. Taco Bell anyone. It was soo good. I know that it had only been a week since I had it, but it was soo good. I guess that's the way all cravings go really.

Ahh, what a weekend. Now, I am super tired this week, but I have so much to get done. I have a test, a paper due, and I cake for my most wonderful nephew. I cannot believe that he is actually going to be 4. Ahhh, where did all the time go?

1 comment:

  1. There were no ninja knives that I could remember lol.
