Friday, July 16, 2010

Words of encouragement

On my drive back to town from Britt and Rickey's house after our most excellent adventure, some songs came on the radio that spoke to me.

Now, the first needs a little background info. After my sis, Tara, died, we were going through some of her last possessions, and in with other things was the single of the song, I hope you dance. For some reason, that song comes on the radio as always just the right time. When ever I am feeling down or in the dumps, it brings me back up. Its like she is perhaps giving me encouragement the only way she can.

So, I was flipping through my channels because I couldn't find anything that I wanted to hear, I was tired from the long car ride and from the scorching Florida sun. The next button that I hit, this song had just come on, form the very beginning. Okay, stop your pushing sis, I'll listen.

The next song to come on was one that was either by the Police or U2, can't remember, but it added to my already misty eyes. Then the final blow, A Hero Lies in You. Come On! Enough already!! I'm in slight misty tears here. (Remember, I am heartless and crying just doesn't happen to me, easily).

I starting thinking about how far I have come, how I am back to the way I was, if not better. I needed to remind myself how easy it was to curl up and get right back where I was before. I refuse to lose myself again. I will not let it happen! I was never unhappy with myself, but never in my life have I been thrilled with my direction in life and the overall circumstances of the same.

Unfortunately, due to the vacation, I was away from the gym for five days straight. It was difficult to say the least to get back into the swing of things. I forced myself to push it during spin class last night. It would have been all to easy to get off the bike, wiped it down and said, "Bye now." But no, I am not going to do that. However, I accidentally left my tennis shoes at Britt's so I have to buy a spare pair so that I can do other things at the gym, including personal training next week.

The main point of this blog is remind myself that I need to continue to push myself. To look back at how far I have come, and the distance left to travel. I know that I set a goal of 15 more pounds, but wouldn't it be terrific if I surpass that goal? If I accomplish more than what I had expected?

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