Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yesterday there was this huge thunder and lightning storm. I was afraid to carry an umbrella even. I took my shoes off before crossing the street after work so that I would slip and fall in the intersection (its happened before, shut it).

While in class, I was listening to all the commotion outside and thought to myself that today would not be a good one for a run. I like to run on the days that I can't make it into the gym. Well, when my teacher ended class early, this time because he was tired, I rushed home because the rain and storm had finally subsided.

As it was darker than usual, I just stayed in the subdivision this time. It was cool though, every now and then I would see a bolt of lightning come down off in the far distance. It inspired me to get a move on, that's for sure.

While running, I sometimes have a hard time clearing my head. Usually there is so much noise and so much going on in there that I can't hardly ever focus on one thing. For instance, I know that I still want to plan a trip to the mountains this winter to go skiing, but my big question is where I should take my Spring trip. Should I go back to New York and see what all I missed last time, should I go to Chicago or Philadelphia? There are so many places that I want to go and see, but I worry about having enough time and money to do it all. I still haven't made it to Europe yet either. Ahhhh.

I really want to take one of those Mediterranean cruises. I think that would be so much fun. You spend the day in Greece, go to bed, wake up and you are in Italy or something. Wouldn't that just be awesome? I also want to take an Alaskan cruise, and I have to, have to see an Ice Hotel. I heard about them last year on a television program and was just fascinated by the whole concept. It was so cool, no pun intended, okay maybe it was.

I still want to get my grandfather's airstream and fix it up. I was talking to my mother about it this weekend. I really don't see why my PT can't pull it. Next time I go and visit them, I'm going to check out the condition of the tires and see about hauling it out of there. I could go road tripping all over the place with that. Couldn't you just see me driving cross country with it? Well, I can.

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